Surprise support bolsters Heise campaign

Jun 24, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
In a profound open letter endorsing Kurt Heise for Township Supervisor, Plymouth Mayor Dan Dwyer urges voters to embrace unity and move forward as one community.
Plymouth Township Election Matters to Entire Plymouth Community
As the Mayor of Plymouth, I typically don’t get involved in the elections of nearby communities. This year, however, I’m asking Plymouth Township residents to elect Kurt Heise for Township Supervisor in the August 2 Republican Primary. He is running as a write-in candidate.
Plymouth City and Township have been neighbors and friends since the 1800’s. We were an example of regional cooperation before the term even existed. The past few years, however, those historically positive relations have been strained. As a result, our communities’ ability to work together on recreation, arts and culture, seniors, and emergency services has been negatively impacted.
Our two communities need healing and must move forward together. We share a common bond that’s reflected in our appreciation for music, festivals, great restaurants, arts and cultural opportunities, and so much more. Our communities can lead the state in regional cooperation, if we have the right leaders.
State Representative Kurt Heise has been a friend to the Plymouth Community for more than 12 years. As Director of the Wayne County Department of Environment, he worked with us on water quality issues, regional cooperation laws, and saved our communities millions of dollars on needed sewer upgrades. As our State Representative, he’s been a leader on local government law, improved roads, downtown development, and court reform.
Kurt Heise is the kind of professional, principled, honest, educated leader the Plymouth Community needs. I enjoy working with him, and know he will put people before politics and help restore trust between our communities.
Please remember what’s at stake on August 2. Plymouth City and Township depend and benefit from each other. While we are two governments, we are one community, and we need to start acting like it again.
Plymouth Township residents, I hope you agree, and will write in your vote for Kurt Heise for Supervisor in the August 2 Republican Primary.
Mayor Dan Dwyer
City of Plymouth