State test scores continue to climb in Northville

Mar. 13, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Northville Public Schools students turned in a strong overall performance on the 2013 Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) test, according to results released by the Michigan Department of Education.
In October 2013, third through eighth grade students across the State of Michigan were assessed under the MEAP (Michigan Educational Assessment Program) in math and reading to comply with federal mandates. In addition, fourth and seventh grade students were assessed in writing; fifth and eighth grade students were assessed in science; and sixth and ninth grade students took the MEAP social studies test.
The percentage scores represent students who performed at the proficient or advanced levels on the fall 2013 tests.
In reading, Northville students in grade three through eight exceeded the state average by about 20 points. In math, too, Northville students exceeded the state average by double digits in grades three through six. In grade seven, Northville students scored 69 percent while the state average was 39 percent. In grade eight, Northville students were 45 percentage points above the state average, scoring 69 percent against 35 percent.
“The performance of our students on the MEAP and other assessments is a direct outcome of the strong partnership between our students, teachers and parents that focuses on success for all students,” said Northville Superintendent of Schools Mary Kay Gallagher. “We are pleased to see that significant numbers of our fourth through eighth grade students improved their level of proficiency in each of the core content areas, with our special needs population demonstrating significant gains at every grade level, third through eighth grade. Strong individualized interventions, the use of research-based teaching and learning strategies, and goal planning with students contributed to these gains.”
In writing, Northville fourth grade students scored at 81 percent while the state average was 50 percent. In grade seven writing,
Northville students were at 79 percent against a 53 percent state average.
Fifth grade science students in Northville demonstrated a 43 percent score while the state average was 17 percent. In grade eight, the science scores in Northville were 47 percent against a 20 percent average.
Social studies testing of sixth grade students in Northville show a 53 percent proficiency against 26 percent in the state while the ninth grade social studies testing showed a 56 percent score for Northville students as opposed to a 26 percent state average.
“Educators across the district also use MEAP data – along with other assessments of student learning – to strengthen instructional practices, enhance student intervention and support programs, and evaluate and refine school improvement goals and curricular alignment,” Gallagher added. “These goals continue to include a focus on math and science, clearly areas where expectations have increased based on college-readiness standards.”
Individual MEAP reports for those Northville Public Schools students tested this past fall will be sent home to parents upon receipt from the Michigan Department of Education. Parents with questions about the MEAP scores or how to seek assistance for their child should contact their child’s school.
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