Spin doctors again snub PARC committee

Nov. 25, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
After a quarrelsome and confrontational meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees on Nov. 12, one that lasted over 6 hours into the night, the spin-doctors of the township published their minutes recording the events, but with a different scenario.
Remarkably, township officials elected to again negate a request for help by a large group of community residents that would like to convert the current Central Middle School property in downtown Plymouth to an entertainment and recreation complex.
Don Soenen, a member of the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex committee (PARC), went to the township meeting to ask for the “support” of the township for the project. Soenen provided each of the Plymouth Township board members an elementary site plan of the proposed project. He asked the board members, “What would the township like to see in this project. We all need to have some input.”
After reading the meeting minutes posted on the township’s website, one would think Soenen asked for a commitment and exclusive license for development of the PARC complex in the city, rather than his request for participation in a study and open discussion; an obvious twist on the reality of the meeting.
First watch the videos published by PlymouthVoice.com with Soenen requesting input from the members of the Board of Trustees and their subsequent reaction then read below the board’s summary of his request for support in the meeting-minutes that conveniently eliminated all pertinent elements.
From the minutes of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting, Nov. 12, 2013:
A resident and member of the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex Steering Committee spoke regarding attempting to repurpose Central Middle School as an arts and recreation center. He indicated the school district has been asked to delay a decision on the future of the site in order for the group he represents to come up with concrete plans. He felt the goals could be accomplished with the cooperation of the City, School District, and Plymouth Township
Two residents again expressed their concerns regarding the proposed Central Middle School arts and recreation complex and their expectation that the Township would agree that all proposed recreation facilities can only be located in the City of Plymouth.
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