Repairs to Northville neighborhood streets begin

Aug. 11, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Repairs to several neighborhood streets in the City of Northville are expected to begin this week.
Nagle Paving Co., of Novi, was approved by members of the city council as the contractor to repair and replace streets during the 2019 construction season. The contracted repairs to 1.7 miles of pavement are expected to cost $1,031,473.
The summer and fall work will commence at Lexington Court and Glenhill Drive where the street will be milled and filled and Morgan Boulevard where the street will be reconstructed. A 250-foot section of Cady Street will be reconstructed and an additional eight parking spaces added. Morgan Circle, Morgan Court, MacDonald Drive, Taft Road and Baseline Road will be milled and filled.
Officials in Northville were forced to seek alternate solutions to the paving project when no bids were received for the 2019 Local Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program. Department of Public Works Director Loyd Cureton said Northville wasn’t alone in not getting responses to their request for bids. Other local municipalities also came up empty-handed.
“This was due to several factors, including significant existing workloads, rain delays, the loss of key personal, and difficulty finding subcontractors,” Cureton said.
He added that following a meeting with representatives from Nagle construction, an alternate schedule and a modified scope of work was negotiated.
City engineering consultant, Fleis & VandenBrink, reviewed and recommended the city proceed with Nagle based on the quote for the work provided by the company. The engineering consultant noted the unit prices provided and total cost proposed were consistent with recent bidding throughout the region. Nagle has an extensive background in asphalt paving and road rehabilitation and reconstruction projects throughout metro Detroit and the company has completed many projects successfully in the City of Northville, officials noted.
Engineering costs for this project is estimated at 5.5 percent for design and 8.5 percent construction observation, for a total fee of $144,406. The contract documents were reviewed and approved by both the city attorney and the city insurance agent.
The remaining street repair work originally planned for the summer of 2019 will be rebid in November, with work expected to be completed in this budget year, officials said.
Plymouth Voice.