Plymouth Township recall language OK’d

Oct. 10, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
News Plymouth Michigan
“I think today’s hearing will show that our citizens are tired of being treated poorly by these people and not having a voice.”
By: Don Howard
Staff Writer

The Wayne County Elections Committee on Monday approved recall petition language against four Plymouth Township officials.
Targeted for recall are Plymouth Township Supervisor Richard Reaume, Treasurer Ron Edwards, Clerk Nancy Conzelman and Trustee Kay Arnold. The basis for the recall includes Reaume’s filing of incorrect information on the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) with the state and the votes of the other three officials prohibiting the township from any joint projects with the City of Plymouth for three years.

Members of the citizens group who filed the recall petition language said they were pleased after a meeting on Monday during which Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Milton Mack approved the petition language that enabled them to go forward.
The recall effort was derailed by the three-judge panel in Wayne County last September when the proposed petition language was denied, prompting organizers to re-submit language and continue the effort.
Wayne County Chief DeputyTreasurer David Szymanski and

Mack were present at the 15-minute meeting Monday while County Clerk Cathy Garrett was absent.
Mack rejected arguments by Conzelman, who challenged the verbiage speaking for the four officials, after she claimed the petition language was not factual because the date was incorrect. The statement reads, “Voted on January 14, 2014 not to participate in any authority with the City of Plymouth until November 20, 2016.”
Mack said the hearing was not to determine if the date (November 20, 2016) was true, saying the hearing was only for

determination of clarity.
After the petitions naming Conzelman, Edwards, and Arnold were approved, Reaume conceded that petition language against him was factual and that he made inaccurate statements on an Economic Vitality Improvements (EVIP) report to the State of Michigan, requesting additional funding. Because he agreed to the submitted language (against him) and conceded rather than leaving the language to be determined by the commission, he cannot appeal the decision.
Attorney Chris Hunter who represented the group said after the meeting, “This is a large step forward in the process of holding officials accountable for their actions. I think today’s hearing will show that our citizens are tired of being treated poorly by these people and not having a voice.
“We’re still hopeful they will stop pushing projects forward that the community does not want and start acting in our best interests.”
According to state law, recall petition language must be presented to the county clerk before the recall petition may be circulated and must be factual and clear and based on the officer’s conduct during his or her current term of office. The reasons for the recall printed on the recall petition must be exactly the same as the reasons approved by the County Election Commission.
New election law will allow an appeal by the other three officials, if filed within 10 days. If an appeal is filed, arguments will be heard by a circuit court judge within 40 days.
The grassroots activist group will have 60 days to obtain about 4,000 signatures on each of the recall petitions and can begin 10 days from the hearing, if no appeal is filed.
Plymouth Voice.