Plymouth Goodfellows newspaper sale Dec. 1

Nov. 22, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
No Child Without a Christmas
Saturday Dec. 1, Plymouth Goodfellows Newspaper Sale from 9 AM to 2 PM
Their effort is this once a year campaign to help during the holidays, to ensure No Child Without a Christmas and they mean exactly that.
Once again this year the Plymouth Goodfellows will hold their traditional fundraiser Newspaper Sale to raise funds for Christmas gifts. They work hard to see there is “No Child Without a Christmas” in our community. The Plymouth Goodfellows want to make sure that on this special holiday there are gifts for children, food for the Christmas dinner and necessary clothes to wear.
The Detroit “Old Newsboys” was founded in 1914 by James Brady. In 1938 Harry C. Robinson and George Howell established a Plymouth Old Newsboys Chapter. The motto was “No Kiddie without a Christmas.” Later the name was later updated from Old Newsboys to Goodfellows, and Kiddie to Child, but the same tradition that started 73 years ago in Plymouth continues today. They’re still working diligently to make sure Christmas is a special time for needy children in Plymouth.
For more information or to volunteer contact Kristen Farmer at 734-262-3199