Stabenow, Levin Announce Support for Southeast Michigan Fire Departments to Hire Firefighters

Editor: $880,000. SAFER Grant for the Plymouth Township Fire Department was turned down by Supervisor Richard Reaume. For Immediate Release VIA: PLYMOUTH EAGLE-ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN July 3, 2012 WASHINGTON– U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin today announced hiring and retention support for the Auburn Hills, Farmington
Township agrees to hire more staff at fire stations

June 28, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township officials have allowed Fire Chief Mark Wendel to hire four on-call volunteers to work full time shifts at the two remaining open fire stations in the township. Following a recent fire and roof rescue operation in Lake Pointe plagued by equipment failures
Recent events in Plymouth Township

June 28, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Recent events in Plymouth Township have prompted officials to hire on-call volunteers to work at the two remaining fire stations on a full-time basis. We think that’s a good start. We think it is unfortunate that two incidents and a death took place before
Why Were Voters Denied Right to Vote?
July 6, 2012 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE . JUNE 2012 – PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP INFORMATIONAL LETTER. THERE IS MORE TO THE CONTROVERSY THAN FIRE AND EMS PROTECTION Trustees deny Plymouth Township residents their rights This letter is about more than the firefighter/EMS issue. It is about citizens being denied answers
Mangan prophesied the demise of the Fire Department at the hands of the Board of Trustees
EDITOR: Originally ran as as Guest Commentary by Greg Mangan in February 2012. Mangan was the official Plymouth Township Fire Department spokesperson and was subsequently laid-off by Township Supervisor, Richard Reaume shortly after this article was published. February 23, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. BOARD DECISION COULD THREATEN RESIDENTS’ SAFETY. Plymouth
Plymouth Township citizens forum aims to put candidates to the test
June 25, 2012 DETROIT FREE PRESS. Eric D. Lawrence, Staff Writer. The debate over cuts to the Plymouth Community Fire Department and other issues is prompting a group of Plymouth Township residents to hold a candidate forum Tuesday. Plymouth Township Concerned Citizens is asking candidates for township offices to
Camp 9-1-1 now available

June 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Huron Valley Ambulance will offer Camp 9-1-1 again this year for 8-12 year olds interested in emergency services. Camp 9-1-1 campers will tour an ambulance, learn CPR, interact with their local fire and police departments and visit a hospital emergency department. HVA Paramedics and
Officers receive honors

June 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Police Sgt. Chris Voorhies and Ofc. Tom Koval were honored by Huron Valley Ambulance with the 2012 Life Saving Award at the annual Emergency Medical Services Recognition Awards Dinner last month. Voorhies and Koval were honored for their life-savings actions during an early-morning
What residents don’t know can (and does) hurt

June 14, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. What you don’t know can hurt you. What people in Plymouth Township don’t know has already hurt some people in the Lake Pointe subdivision, the largest in the township. What people don’t know is that, despite the disingenuous claims of the township officials, they
School construction troubles subdivision residents

June 14, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. RESIDENTS ARE SHOCKED AT SIZE, PROJECT CONTINUES- new photos. Residents of the Rolling Hills subdivision have already learned a lesson from their new neighbor, Plymouth Scholars Charter Academy: Pay attention to zoning hearings. As bulldozers, cement trucks and heavy machinery of all kinds continues to