Leader Dogs to make special appearance at Fall Festival

Sep. 9, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth Lions Club members have developed a sure-fire way to attract people to their booth at the Fall Festival each year.
They bring the Leader Dog puppies. This year, they will have several puppies in training to become leader dogs, trainers and a few certified Leader Dogs and their owners in the booth at Main Street and Ann Arbor Trail. While people can’t resist the appeal of the pups, the booth will also be manned with several club members willing to answer questions about the club and the several organizations they support with their fundraising efforts.
The puppies and their trainers will take to the stage in Kellogg Park at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, for a special demonstration of their training and skills. The Lions have adopted a special initiative this year with
Project Kidsight, an effort to identify and help children who have vision disorders by early detection and treatment.
As part of this major effort, the Plymouth Lions Club will have vision screening available on Saturday afternoon in Kellogg Park for children as young 1.
Helping the vision and hearing impaired is a major goal of the Lions Club and the Plymouth group was charted by Lions Club International in 1947. The members gathered for the first official meeting back in January of 1948 and have been helping the vision impaired since that time.
Currently, the Plymouth Lions Club helps support: Beaumont Hospital Silent Children’s Fund; First Step; Leader Dogs for the Blind; Lions Hearing Center of Michigan; Lions of Michigan Service Foundation; Michigan Eye Bank; Madonna University/Lions Hearing Center; Paws with a Cause; Penrickton Center for Blind Children; American Diabetes Association; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; Project Kidsight; Bear Lake (a camp for visually impaired youths); American Legion; Plymouth District Library and the Plymouth Historical Museum.
Plymouth Voice.