Heroes on Hines 5K honors fallen first responders

Sep. 11, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Wayne County Parks is hosting the 9th Annual Heroes on Hines 5K Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, September 24 at Haggerty Park. The 5K Fun Run/Walk begins at 9:00 AM and proceeds from the annual race go towards the support and maintenance of the First Responders Memorial in Hines Park, located at the corner of Hines Drive and Haggerty Road in Plymouth Township.
Built in 2013, the First Responders Memorial lists the names of Police, Fire and EMS personnel from Wayne County communities who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The memorial includes monuments, seat walls, concrete walkways, a paver plaza, site furnishings, and special lighting. The Heroes on Hines 5K Run will start and finish at the memorial site.
“Although we call this event the ‘fun run’, we are always mindful that this is about honoring our first responders who selflessly gave their lives serving our community,” said Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans. “We should always remember their bravery and their sacrifice for Wayne County, and we look forward to honoring their memory once again with this very special annual event.”
Registration is now open at www.Heroesonhines.com.
Registration fees for adults is $25 and $20 for kids through September 22 (add $5 on day of event) On Race Day hiring, registration will be accepted at the First Responders memorial from 6:30 AM – 8:45 AM. Entry fees include a race t-shirt, post-race snacks and a finisher’s medal for all participants.
Sponsors include Lou LaRiche Chevrolet and Friends of Wayne County Parks.
For additional information please visit www.heroesonhines.com/registration or call Wayne County Parks at 734.261.1990.
Plymouth Voice.