Community Bulletin Board

Apr. 14, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Showcase and Taste of Plymouth
The 29th Annual event celebrating the Plymouth community and its businesses, restaurants and residents will take place on April 16, 5:00 -7:30 p.m. at the Inn at St. John’s, 44045 Five Mile Road. in Plymouth Township. The Chamber of Commerce will recognize outstanding citizens from local service clubs. Cost to attend is $10 per person. For further information, contact the Chamber at 734-453-1540, or visit
Friendship Station events
Quality of Life as We Age-Thursday, April 19, 10:30 a.m. An open discussion on keeping our minds and bodies fit and finding purpose, as we get older. Scones and smoothies will be served. Plan to join this free event for interesting conversation. RSVP at 734-354-2222 or sign up at the Friendship Station.
Cinto De Mayo Celebration- Friday, May 4, 12:00 p.m. Catered food bar, including ground beef, chicken, guacamole, pepper strips, sour cream, salsa, jalapeno slices, refried beans, lettuce, cheese, Spanish rice, soft and hard shell tacos, and nacho chips, sponsored by Oakmont Northville. Also includes dessert and beverage. Tickets are $7 for members/$9 for non-members.
The Plymouth Township Friendship Station is located at 42375 Schoolcraft. Call 734-354-2222 for more information.
Friends of Miller Woods programs
The Plymouth District will welcome the Friends of Miller Woods for an upcoming nature program. Co-sponsored by the Bosch Community Fund, these programs will introduce the public to this valuable community resource.
Fifty years ago the ‘Friends’ acquired the woods Miller Woods, a rare beech-sugar maple forest, uncommon in southeast Michigan. It is known as a “late successional” forest, where specific species of trees are tolerant of shady conditions and will succeed to a position of dominance in the forest.
Tuesday, April 17, 7 p.m. Dr. John Hartig, author of Bringing Conservation to Cities, will speak on the Humbug Marsh and the role of local citizens in its success. Taylor Myatt of the SE Michigan Land Conservancy will share some of their significant land protection projects. Myatt will highlight the Superior Greenway, located just outside Plymouth. Registration is requested. Call the Plymouth library at 734-453-0750, ext. 4 or go to and click on Events.
An informative Miller Woods display can also be found at the Plymouth library near the front entrance.
The Friends of Miller Woods are also offering two Spring Wildflower Walks, tentatively set for Sunday, April 22 and 29, 2018, from 2-4:00 p.m. For more details go the Friends website at Miller Woods is located on Powell Road east of Ridge in Plymouth Township.
Drug Take-Back Day
On Saturday, April 28, from 10 – 2 p.m. the Plymouth Township Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public the opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.
Bring your pills for disposal to 9955 N. Haggerty Road (The DEA cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, only pills or patches.) The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Participants will be asked to remove any personal information, including labels, from drug containers.
For more information contact the Plymouth Township Police Department at 734-354-3232 or go to the DEA Office of Diversion Control website,
Household Hazardous Waste collection day
Plymouth Township will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, May 12, from 9:00 -1:30 p.m. at the USA Hockey Arena parking lot at 14900 Beck Road.
Acceptable items include: Household paints, stains, dyes, floor care items, furniture polish, bathroom cleaners, lawn and garden chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, antifreeze, motor oil, gasoline, automotive batteries, dry cell batteries, propane tanks, old computers, printers, scanners, TV’s, cell phones, fax machines, mercury containing thermometers, thermostats and elemental mercury, fluorescent light bulbs (standard and compact), smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, Pharmaceutical Waste (Non-controlled substances only)
Non-acceptable items include: Commercial waste, industrial waste, ammunition, explosives, 55 gallon drums, radioactive materials, unknown – unlabeled waste, shock sensitive materials, household trash, appliances. For a complete list of acceptable items, please visit:
Wayne County also offers several household hazardous waste collection days each year that are available at no cost to all Wayne County residents. Please refer to the information below for the next scheduled event. These events are open to all Wayne County residents. For more information on the Wayne County collection days, please contact the Wayne County Land Resources Division at 734-326-3936 or
Noxious weeds notice
To the owner or occupant or any person or persons, firm or corporation having charge of any land in the Charter Township of Plymouth:
Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds growing on any land in the Charter Township of Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan, must be cut and destroyed on or before the 20th day of April, A.D., 2018. And every owner, occupant, or person having charge of any such land must notify the Township that such weeds have been destroyed within three days of such cutting. Any person failing to comply with this notice on or before the date mentioned shall be liable for the imposition of the penalties set forth in Ordinance Number 64, of the Charter Township of Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan, and shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Township in destroying said noxious weeds, which expenses, if unpaid by the owner or to the occupant, shall be spread against the property on the next County and School Tax Roll collection of such expenses. The township may notify by certified mail with return receipt requested, the owner, agent, or occupant, as shown on the current County and School Tax Roll, of any lands on which such noxious weeds are found growing. Such notice shall contain the methods of treating and eradicating such noxious weeds and a summary of the provisions of this section. Failure of the township to give such notice shall not, however, constitute a defense to any action to enforce the payment of any penalty provided in this article or any debt created under this article.
Jerry Vorva, Clerk-Charter Township of Plymouth
Plymouth Voice.