Community Bulletin Board

Northville Farmers Market held each Thursday through October
There’s something for everyone at the Northville Farmers Market. Visitors will enjoy over 100 stalls of Michigan-made and Michigan-grown products. For all the green thumbs out there plants and flowers are available while other finds such as are fine juried crafters, garden art, soaps, jewelry, furniture, woodworking, and home accessories are also featured.
For more information on the Farmers’ Market, please contact the Northville Chamber of Commerce at (248) 349-7640 or visit them at
Township sets hazardous waste pickup
Plymouth Township officials have scheduled the annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection day for 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 10. Items can be dropped off at the township DPW yard at 46555 Port St. which is off Beck Road, near the M-14 Expressway and the Compuware Sports Arena.
Common items brought to the event include old paint and stains, propane tanks, car and boat batteries, florescent light tubes and other items. This year, the yard will also accept fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and household electronics.
For a complete list of acceptable items visit
Document shredding will also be offered along with the Household Hazardous Waste collection. Participants will be provided with a document destruction certificate and can watch the shredding take place via a camera installed inside the shredding vehicle.
Document shredding will be available in the Compuware Sports Arena parking lot.
Seedling Give Away in Northville
The Beautification Commissions of Northville Township and the City of Northville are hosting the annual Seedling Give Away from 9-11 a.m. May 10 at Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road
Arbor Day seedlings are available at not charge to city, township and Northville School District residents with proof of residency.
Mail or phone requests will not be accommodated, nor will requests of groups or schools.
Food distribution set
The next distribution of emergency food by Plymouth Community United Way is scheduled for 9:30-11 a.m. Thursday, May 15 at St. Kenneth Catholic Church in Plymouth. The Emergency Food Assistance Program pro- vides low-income Plymouth and Northville residents with canned, non-perishable and perishable items.
All recipients must pre-register at Plymouth Community United Way, 960 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 2, Plymouth.
This is a supplemental food program that may be used in addition to other assistance programs. Bridge Card holders automatically qualify, but need to pre-register. Recipients not currently on governmental assistance (food stamps, ADC and general) must provide documentation including proof of income and residency before receiving food on distribution days.
Distributions continue the third Thursday of each month.
For information and to register, call (734) 453-6879, ext. 7, or send email to
Farm Fest planned
Farm Fest will return to Maybury Farm in Northville from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. May 17.
The day will include hayrides, face painting, activities for youngsters, antique tractors, food demonstrations, spinning demonstrations, sheep shearing and many other activities.
Farm Fest is traditionally the day the newborn baby animals are introduced to the public.
Admission to Farm Fest is $3 per person and children younger than 2 are admitted at no cost. There is free parking. Maybury Farm is located at 50165 Eight Mile Road in Northville, about a half mile past the state park entrance.
For more information, call (248) 374-0200.
Plymouth Voice