City celebrates anniversary

The historic Markham-Wilcox house at 676 Penniman was built in 1903 by BB gun entrepreneur William “Phillip” Markham.
Feb. 11, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
It is the anniversary of the City of Plymouth this year and to celebrate, residents will be receiving some gifts.
As part of the celebration, raffle prizes will be awarded during the first city commission meeting of each month from February through December. Prize packages will include an anniversary logo pint glass, Penn Theatre movie passes, as well as gift certificates from local Plymouth businesses.
Winners need not be present to claim the prizes but entries are limited to one per person per month. There is no limit on the number of months entrants can participate.
To enter, visit the Plymouth Historical Museum Celebrating Plymouth-150 Years exhibit. Following the visit, fill out an entry form and return it to the desk near the entry door or become a member of the Friends of the Plymouth Historical Museum. The museum staff will automatically complete an entry form along with membership documents.
Entries can also be made at the Plymouth District Library where a different subject will be on display during February, March , May, June, July, September and October. Entries can be completed at the reader’s advisory desk.
Entries received after noon on the Friday prior to the first city commission meeting of the month will be included in the following month drawing.
Plymouth Voice.
Photo: © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers