Restaurant industry anxiously awaiting Michigan Supreme Court ruling

Jun. 27, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Minimum wage does maximum damage Hiking Michigan’ government-mandated wage is bad for customers, businesses and most workers By: Jarrett Skorup Michigan’s government-mandated minimum wage could soon rise by 30%, from $10.10 per hour to $13.03 per hour, depending on
Final OK for racetrack project rests with township trustees

Jun. 26, 2023 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News A final decision on the construction of a new harness race track in Plymouth Township could come before the board of trustees by the end of this month. Following approval of the development plans by the Plymouth Township Planning Commission earlier
Blackout Bills Are Dangerous

Jun. 22, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Today the Michigan Senate Energy and Environment Committee heard testimony on Senate Bills 271-277 – part of the Michigan Senate Democrats’ Clean Energy Future Plan. The subject Senate Bills according to the Mackinaw Center for Public Policy are blackout bills that
Family gets help after losing everything in car fire

Jun. 20, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Last Sunday Plymouth Township Firefighters responded to a car fire on the southbound Ann Arbor Road ramp to I-275. When they arrived four minutes later, they found Christina Lawson’s black Dodge Avenger completely engulfed in flames.
Michigan lawmakers made it harder to fix the roads

Jun. 11, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Prevailing Wage Laws Significantly Increase Road Construction Costs By Holly Wetzel A new study from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy shows that prevailing wage laws create unnecessary high costs for taxpayers on public construction projects. The study examines the impact
Our first duty is to remember

Jun. 6, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News D-Day – June 6th, 1944. It has been 79 years but few events have galvanized a population and stirred the imagination like D-Day. As dawn broke over the beaches of Normandy thousands of real-life “Private Ryans,” British, French, Canadians and Americans, left the
We honor the service and sacrifice of generations of Americans

May 26, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Monday, May 29, 2023 Plymouth Mayflower Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 6695, and the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 528, will hold a memorial ceremony in downtown Plymouth at 9:00 a.m. at the Veterans memorial Park, Main and Church Streets.
Residents oppose sewage plant in their backyard

Apr. 22, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Hot Water The plan for a new wastewater treatment plant in Salem Township has reached a boiling point with neighboring Plymouth Township residents and officials. Now two State representatives are lending support and taking an opposing stand. In a strongly worded
Right-to-Work repeal shows unions control of Democrats in Lansing

Apr. 23, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION The repeal of Michigan’s Right-to-Work Law repays Big Labor, as five of the biggest private unions sent more than 95% of their campaign contributions to Democrats, according to Bridge Michigan. Democrats ban on right to work forces workers to join
Plymouth community mourns death of Gene Overholt, 99

Apr. 19, 2023 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Plymouth community is mourning the death of Gene Robert Overholt, 99, who died at his daughter’s home in Kerrville, Texas March 31 surrounded by his family. Mr. Overholt was born in Bippus, Indiana in 1924, and grew up in Huntington