State spending up – but not for roads

Nov. 25, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Omnibus A series of selected blogs from the Mackinaw Center OPINION Less road funding from the road-fixing Governor By James M. Hohman Michigan residents might be confused about why the state spends less on road funding, even though it
Michigan Philharmonic wins community honors

Nov. 24, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO Stuart Carlson appeared with the Michigan Philharmonic in January in the chapel at St. John’s in Plymouth. Here is his stunning arrangement of “Amazing Grace” for solo violin and strings. Stuart Carlson started playing violin with the
About legal action against Gov. Whitmer

Nov. 23, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Omnibus A series of selected blogs from the Mackinaw Center OPINION A statement from Mackinac Center Policymakers responding to the serious health concerns posed by COVID-19 are still obliged to operate within the bounds of our American system of government. This
Governor orders flags to half-staff to honor fallen firefighter

Nov. 23, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ordered U.S. and Michigan flags within the State Capitol Complex and upon all public buildings and grounds across the state of Michigan to be lowered to half-staff today, Monday, Nov. 23, 2020, in honor of Firefighter Michael Buitendorp who died in the line of duty
Plymouth City Commission Meeting Summary

Nov. 21, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Meeting Summary Nov. 16, 2020: The Plymouth City Commission authorized the design phase for the 2021 Street Improvement Project at its regular meeting held via Zoom on Monday, Nov. 16. The authorization allows the City engineer to proceed with designs on
Plymouth Canton schools revert to full remote learning

Nov. 19, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News One day after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer set in place new COVID-19 restrictions, Plymouth Canton Community Schools Superintendent Monica Merritt announced that the school district will move to a fully-remote learning environment, effective almost immediately. Merritt said the changes will be effective
Plymouth & Northville Township election roundup

Nov. 14, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township In Plymouth Township balloting Nov. 3, voters returned incumbent Kurt Heise to the office of supervisor Heise, completing his first term as supervisor after winning a grassroots write-in campaign four years ago, received a total of 10,911 votes or
100-year-old veteran celebrates with medals, memories

Nov. 12, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Special salute Don Howard Staff Writer World War II veteran Gordon Macorkindale is a brand-new centenarian, who celebrated his 100th birthday in grand style just before Veterans Day. Macorkindale, whose birthday was Oct. 26, is known as “Corky” by his
New ‘Ridge 5 Corporate Park’ open in Plymouth Township

Nov. 10, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Local and county officials gathered at the former site of the Detroit House of Corrections prison, (DeHoCo) last week for the official opening of the new Ridge 5 Corporate Park in Plymouth Township.. The 60-acre Michigan International Technology Center, (MITC) celebrated
Carl’s Golfland donation will aid Vietnam veterans

Oct. 31, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious threat to a segment of the population that is owed a debt of gratitude. As Veterans’ Day approaches, those who have already fought for their country are among those most susceptible to the devastating effects