Canton promotes 6 police officers to new ranks

Newly promoted lieutenants and sergeants in the Canton Police Department received their new badges and took their oaths of office earlier this month. The officers were congratulated by Public Safety Director Todd Mutchler, center, and Township Supervisor Phil LaJoy, not pictured.
Jan. 7, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Recently promoted Canton Police Department command officers received their new badges from Supervisor Phil LaJoy, and took their oaths of office administered by Clerk Terry Bennett during the regular meeting of the township board of trustees last week.
Recognized for their recent promotion to the rank of lieutenant were Chad Baugh who has been with the department for 18 years and Michael Steckel, a 19-year veteran of the department.
In their new positions, the two new lieutenants will serve as platoon commanders in the patrol division, overseeing the day-to-day operation of their respective shifts comprised of sergeants and patrol officers. In addition, they will also be responsible for providing training, direction and motivation of subordinate personnel toward the accomplishment of the established goals and objectives of the department.
Recognized for their recent promotion to the rank of sergeant were Joseph Bialy who has 10 years of service with the department; Matthew Jenkinson, a 23-year veteran of the department; Edward Johnson, a 12-year veteran and Aaron Mickey who also has 12 years of service with the department.
In their new positions, these officers will serve as platoon supervisors providing leader- ship, training and direction to road patrol officers. They will also be responsible for administrative assignments and special projects, under the leadership of their assigned shift commander.
“I congratulate our newly promoted command officers and look forward to the contributions they will bring to the leadership team of the Canton Police Department,” said Public Safety Director Todd Mutchler.
Plymouth Voice.