Bulletin Board

It’s Christmas season!
Here are a few safety tips to help ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time while shopping for friends and relatives.
Try and park in a secured lot. If that is not possible, park near the front of the store, in a well lit area. Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for people lingering in the lot, or outside the store.
Ladies that are carrying a purse should keep it close to your body. If the purse has long straps, walk with it tucked over your should and tight under your arm. When entering or exiting a store, keep your keys in your hand and ready. The keys can be used as a sharp defensive weapon if you are being attacked. You can also hit the car horn button on your key chain, to sound off an attacker.
If you are going to store items in your car, put them in the trunk or cover them with a blanket so they can’t be seen by people walking by the vehicle.
City of Plymouth Holiday Schedule
City Offices CLOSED – Christmas Holiday – Dec. 24 & Dec. 25 TRASH will be collected on Christmas Eve, but not on Christmas Day Trash Collection WILL BE DELAYED One Day This Week beginning on Christmas Day
City Offices CLOSED – New Year’s Holiday – Dec. 31 & Jan. 1 TRASH COLLECTION will take place on New Year’s Eve Trash Collection WILL BE DELAYED One Day This Week, beginning on New Year’s DAY.
On Street Parking Guidelines:
There is no parking on ANY City streets between 3am-6am without a valid Parking Permit. For temporary needs to park a car in the street, contact the police department to be added to a temporary overnight list. Parking Permits are available for a fee with approved application from the police department. Applications are available on our website or may be picked up from the police department.
• Natural trees should be cut at a 45 degree angle at the base and placed in water
• Place tree away from sources of heat
• Use only non-flammable decorations
• Use only lighting evaluated by a nationally recognized laboratory, such as Underwriters
Laboratories (UL)
• Inspect lights for frayed wire or other defects before use
• Do not leave lights on unattended
• Keep natural tree stands filled with water at all times
• When the tree becomes dry, discard it immediately
The Plymouth Community Senior Transportation will be CLOSED on the following
Monday, December 24th, 2012
Tuesday, December 25th, 2012
Monday, December 31st, 2012
Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
The Plymouth Community Senior Transportation Office is conveniently Located in the City of Plymouth Cultural Center at 525 Farmer, Plymouth, MI 48170. For more information, questions or to make a reservation, please call (734) 459-8888
Merry Christmas and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!