Zoning ordinance amendments to be discussed

Feb. 5, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
A Special Study Session of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Township Hall, for the purpose of reviewing zoning ordinance amendments and recommendations of the Planning Commission discussed at their December meeting, as they relate to cluster housing development.
The special session was initiated at the request of developer Grand Sakwa who is requesting a potential density bonus for design alternatives in their planned development of single-family structures within the township. Grand Sakwa purchased the 100,000 square foot former Super Kmart property at Ann Arbor Road and Haggerty in Plymouth Township to create a multi-tenant, multi-component retail shopping center in 2016. Members of the township planning commission recommended the project for a planned unit development.
If approved by the Board of Trustees, the subject Single-Family Cluster Housing Ordinance amendment will permit alternative methods of development and arrangement on parcels less than 40-acres that could remove existing density requirements.
Concerned residents say the proposed amendment could have long lasting implications for the future development in the township and point out that missing from the proposed ordinance language is a specific numeric cap on the degree of density to be allowed, and that removing density requirements could put the township at risk of lawsuits when they cannot agree with developers.
There will be no votes during the study session, discussion only. The meeting is open to the public and residents are encourged to attend.
For more information see: Agenda and Board Packet
Plymouth Voice.