Volunteers are sought

Apr. 8, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Want to make a difference by helping a senior citizen or person with a disability?
Plymouth Community United Way is looking for volunteers to clean yards and do light chores in Plymouth, and Plymouth and Canton townships on Saturday, April 26 during its Rake-N-Go.
Come alone, with your family or bring a team of co-workers or friends.
Volunteers are asked to bring rakes, garden tools, hedge trimmers, and gloves. United Way will supply yard waste bags.
For an application, call (734) 453-6879, ext. 7 or e-mail randi.williams@pcuw.org before April 11.
Plymouth Community United Way organizes two raking events a year: Make a Difference Day in fall and Rake-N-Go in spring.
Serving the Plymouth and Canton community since 1944, the Plymouth Community United Way strives to address human service needs for individuals and families. Together we can accomplish what no individual or organization can do alone.
Visit www.plymouthunitedway.org to learn about giving and volunteering.
Plymouth Voice