Time To Restore Honesty And Professionalism To The Plymouth Township Treasurer’s Office

The choice of the Plymouth Voice for a positive and much-needed change in the treasurer’s office is Rita White.
On the eve of the most important election within Plymouth Township in decades, educated residents and voters will soon choose the path and the future of our community.
In the past year our township has been fractured and roiled by elected leaders who have tarnished our public image with asinine obstinacy, foolish antics, and a complete lack of respect for the citizens as they bulldozed their own, and oftentimes, private agenda.
Weak and incompetent leadership has placed our future in peril. The treasurer has usurped much of the authority of the supervisor’s office and demonstrated complete lack of respect for the law and the rights of the citizens. He has bullied the firemen, policemen and the public into a perilous situation, which threatens the welfare of the entire community.
In the words of esteemed Plymouth Township resident Marvin Stempien, who served for almost three decades as a city attorney, state representative, court judicial attorney and Wayne County Circuit Court Judge:
“Ron Edwards…has steamrolled the unlawful actions of the board to deny the constitutional right of Plymouth electors to vote on saving our fire and EMS protection
…He has demonstrated a shocking lack of personal control in dealings with officials and employees of our township. He has physically assaulted one of our elected officials in Township Hall
…Without cause, he has created a public spectacle by berating and threatening our public safety officers
…In two separate circuit court cases since he has been treasurer, he has been sued for unlawful conduct in violating the civil rights of female employees, including sex discrimination.
Our community deserves better, we deserve a new treasurer.
The choice of the Plymouth Voice for a positive and much-needed change in the treasurer’s office is Rita White.
Well educated, experienced and accomplished, Rita White will be able to bring about positive changes and present the leadership and image in the treasurer’s office that is nonexistent today.
White, a highly educated life-long resident of Plymouth Township, is an accomplished attorney practicing in Plymouth and is a member of the Wayne County Criminal Defense Bar Association, The U.S. District Court- Courthouse Pro bono Program.
White served as Wayne County Prosecuting attorney for more than 10 years and is experienced in criminal, civil and family law. She frequently handles high profile cases involving assaults, domestic violence and financial crimes.
White is Communications Director of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, Vice President of the Vanzetti Hamilton Bar Association and a member of the Plymouth Democratic Club. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, BA-Biopsychology, and Juris Doctor-Wayne State University Law School.
Rita White says she wants to move the township forward in a more cost effective manner and one of the first her first tasks is to perform a forensic audit.
“My top priority. It is absolutely essential to perform this as the first order of business to establish an accurate base accounting of the township’s finances and precisely determine when, where and how the township’s funds are being utilized.”
White recognizes the deceitful practices and cronyism that are running rampant within the current Board of Trustees and Supervisor and Trustee positions and is very concerned.
Resource allocation, public safety and effective communication are her top priorities. She says she will work to implement a budgetary plan where the allocation of funds is based on a need before wants basis.
White is also very concerned about public safety and the recent fire department layoffs.
“If elected, I will review the budget to make sure enough resources are being properly allocated for public safety. If not, I will explore the option of pooling our resources with neighboring communities to address these deficiencies while I look for funds to recall the laid-off firefighters.”
White also believes our township needs to keep up with emerging technology.
“I believe more communication options should be available to citizens to provide more transparency to the activities of the township, such as creating an online access tool where residents can view and pay their water and tax bills.”
We think Rita White is the right fit, has the competence, ability and the high moral caliber to become Plymouth Township’s next Treasurer.
We urge your VOTE for Rita White for Plymouth Township Treasurer.