Thornetta Davis
Queen of the Blues to perform

Oct. 3, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO The internationally famous Thornetta Davis, winner of more than 30 Detroit Music Awards, will perform on the Main Stage at The Village Theater at Cherry Hill in Canton at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6. A special Pre-Show Bourbon
First sign of summer – Music in the Air

May 10, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO Music in the Air weekly concert series starts the 2018 season on Friday, May 25 at the Kellogg Park stage with a wide variety of entertainment to suit every musical taste. This year 14 bands will perform at
Queen of Blues powerhouse – performs in Plymouth

Apr. 14, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO The renown Thornetta Davis is sure to wow concertgoers this summer at Plymouth’s Music in the Air concert series when she performs on the Kellogg Park stage. Referred to as “Detroit’s Queen of the Blues,” Davis is a