Scott Hilden
Veteran police officer retires from township

Oct. 2, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Township Police Sgt. David Roberts retired Sept. 16, after a 27-year law enforcement career, 22 of them with Northville Township. Roberts’ professional high lights include rescuing a lost horse walking down Ridge and Seven Mile roads, training police departments across
Hi-tech security system stops urban explorers

Jul. 25, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer State laws define trespassing and in most cases it’s a criminal offense. The former site of the Northville Psychiatric State Hospital on Seven Mile Road west of Haggerty has become a fanatical attraction for urban adventurists
Meet new Northville Twp. Police Chief – Scott Hilden

Jan. 17, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Township has a new police chief following Chief Paul Tennies’ retirement last month on Dec. 17. Northville Township Manager and Director of Public Safety Todd Mutchler named Scott Hilden to the top police post in the community and Hilden was