Supevisor remains silent about cop jobs; resident upset

October 4, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Township safety plan questioned To the editor; At the Sept. 25 Plymouth Township Board of Trustees’ meeting, I asked our township supervisor an important question regarding his plan to implement a public service model that has police officers serving as firefighters. The plan
Firefighter criticizes public safety officer plan

October 1, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Chris Hull, a resident and professional fire-fighter, recently expressed his concern that the Township will end up paying more for lesser trained personnel, slower response times with an inferior township fire service without professionals certified in advanced life support. To the editor: The
Plymouth Township to combine fire fighter and police duties

WATCH VIDEO- September 18, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Informed sources report Plymouth Township’s police union personnel are now in the ratification process of a proposal to combine fire fighter and police duties into public safety officer positions, commonly known as PSO’s. The proposed plan will necessitate hiring many more
Safety officer plan criticized

September 6, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Mr. Edwards, who plans to oversee the operation, will require the Township to increase their reliance on the services of the HVA Ambulance Co. TO THE EDITOR I have made it my business to become thoroughly informed about the issues surrounding our
The problem with the Public Safety Officer

August 29, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Real Challenges of Consolidating Police and Fire. By James McLaughlin. With the financial strains currently facing many city managers and mayors throughout the country, consolidation of services is a hot topic in town halls everywhere. Because fire and police departments are often two