Power Outages
DTE struggles to restore power to Plymouth Township

Aug. 6, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Three days after a rain and wind storm hit the Plymouth area electrical linemen are still working in Lake Pointe. Powerful winds in excess of 60 mph blew across the metro Detroit area on Wednesday afternoon causing widely scattered power outages.
Supervisor threatens legal action against DTE – as outages continue

Oct. 4, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise, upset by the frequent outages the past few months, said today he has now threatened legal action against DTE Energy after “persistent and inexplicable DTE power outages that began the week
Power outages – flooded streets after storm

Jun. 29, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED Once again on Tuesday Plymouth area residents were without power when an afternoon rainstorm wiped out service to an estimated 50,000 DTE Energy customers. Plymouth and Plymouth Township in particular has suffered numerous distribution-related outages and repeatedly lost power in
Singing the same old song

Apr. 19, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION DTE keeps singing the same old song with different lyrics, and the people of Plymouth are weary of the tune. Millions spent on television advertising provide constant advice on paying bills, comparing monthly energy usage, reporting and tracking
DTE calls for help from neighboring energy companies

Apr. 15, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED At 10:30 a.m. Monday Plymouth City officials estimated there were less than 500 residences and businesses affected by the power outage within the city limits. Township officials said as far as they know power has been completely restored to
DTE Open House set to quell customer complaints

Oct. 18, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer DTE Energy will attempt to address hundreds of service complaints from angry customers in the Plymouth community during an open house for area residents next week. According to residents, continued power outages that have plagued both the city
Storms and high wind cause numerous area power outages

DTE crews repair high voltage line on Ivywood in Plymouth Township last Wednesday Aug. 27, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Storms bringing 60 mile-per-hour winds and heavy rain wrecked havoc on the Detroit area on Tuesday, flooding expressways, downing trees and causing major power outages. By Wednesday morning some metro