Plymouth Michigan
Trains continue to block Plymouth crossings

Sign posted at Starkweather Street railroad crossing by City officials Jun. 17, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The City of Plymouth continues to receive multiple complaints on a near daily basis related to parked trains blocking crossings for upwards of one hour or longer, according to a prepared
Community Bulletin Board

Jun. 17, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. EVENTS Father’s Day run takes off The Plymouth Father’s Day Run, a benefit for the YMCA, is planned for June 19.Events this year include:1 Mile Fun Run; 5K Run; 5K Walk and a 10K Run Register to run or volunteer online at:
Diva Day this Saturday in Plymouth

Apr. 21, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The 8th Annual Diva Day in Plymouth will take place from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., April 23. The first 500 divas will receive free hot pink bead necklaces at the chamber office at 850 West Ann Arbor Trail. Little divas
Former State Rep to challenge Township clerk

Apr. 14, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Updated Plymouth Township Clerk Nancy Conzelman will face at least one challenger in the November election with the announcement earlier this year from former State Rep. Jerry Vorva that he plans to campaign for election to the office. Vorva, 64,
Kellogg Park fountain redesign is unveiled

Apr. 9, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Plans for a new Kellogg Park fountain in downtown Plymouth were presented to members of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) at a meeting last month. According to a spokesman, the DDA is embarking on a major program to make upgrades to
Park manager claims politics prompted his replacement

Apr. 7, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News A familiar face in Plymouth Township parks may be missing this year. Township Park Foreman Eric Anderson, a former township police officer, has apparently been replaced with another seasonal employee by Director of Parks and Grants Mike Mitchell. Anderson, 58, said
Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting

Apr. 5, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Attend Board of Trustees Meetings, Get involved. Voice you opinion. Plymouth Voice.
Volunteers sought for annual Rake N Go

Apr. 5, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Community United Way (PCUW) needs volunteers to clean yards and do light chores in Plymouth, and Plymouth and Canton townships on Saturday, April 30 during the Rake N Go event. Rake N Go is organized in partnership with Plymouth Community
Plymouth City Commission Meeting
Apr. 3, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Attend City Commission Meetings. Get involved. Voice your opinion.