News Plymouth Michigan
Question of special county election raised

Plymouth Township Attorney and Wayne County Commissioner Joe Barone Apr. 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer The recent appointment of Wayne County Commissioner Shannon Price as the new Plymouth Township supervisor is causing concern among some Republican Party members who say
Rake-N-Go volunteers sought to aid seniors

Apr. 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Plymouth Community United Way is seeking volunteers for the semi-annual Rake-n-go set for April 25. Twice each year, volunteers visit homes in the Plymouth and Canton communities to help seniors and others unable to care for their yards. This year,
Plymouth City Commission Meeting

2015 City Commission Goals: Secure funding via voter approved Public Safety Millage in February to hire additional police for downtown bar/restaurant patrol, thus freeing up current officers for increased neighborhood patrols. Expand Public Parking in the DDA. Work collaboratively with the DDA, Planning Commission and Historical Commission to finalize
Coalition group, “Proposal 1 is all about special interests”

Apr. 16, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO The Coalition Against higher Taxes and Special Interest Deals released its first TV commercial in a statewide ad campaign last month. The group is opposing the May 5th ballot Proposal 1, which raises state sales tax from 6
Community Bulletin Board

Apr. 14, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Lake Pointe gathering set Lake Pointe Homeowners Association will host a neighborhood “Meet Your Neighbor-Welcome New Neighbor” gathering on April 18 at the Plymouth Township Friendship Station, 42375 Schoolcraft from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. for residents and newcomers. Refreshments
Plymouth Concerned Citizens Meeting

Plymouth Concerned Citizens provides a reliable source of information on important community issues. These include: * Demanding accountability and transparency from elected officials * Informing fellow citizens on important community issues * Offer residents opportunities to discuss issues, voice opinions, and ask questions in an informal and open atmosphere * Monitoring
Do you know this man?

Apr. 9, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan New Canton Police are seeking assistance in the identification of this man who was captured on surveillance cameras in a local retail store. The unidentified black male is suspected of using a cloned credit card to make purchases. Anyone with information is
Students at district radio station honored

Mar. 30, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Bill Keith is a proud man these days. Earlier this month, eight of the students he manages at the Plymouth Canton Community Schools radio station, WSDP 88.1 The Park, were honored with awards by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation. The
Special Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting

Members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday to name an interim board president while the process of appointing a new township supervisor begins.
Canton will host Citizens Police Academy

Mar.18, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “We recognize the value of transparency in police work, and believe in the age-old concept of the police are the public and the public are the police.” The Canton Township Police Department will offer some very special training April 23 through