Inn at St. Johns
Revamped Concours d’ Elegance opens this week in downtown Detroit

Sep. 13, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News This weekend marks a tribute to the people who designed, built and drove American car culture as the revamped and relocated Concours d’ Elegance opens in downtown Detroit with three major events, after vacating Plymouth’s Inn at St. Johns last year.
Work set to begin this month at the Inn at St. John’s

Apr. 1, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Work is scheduled to begin this month on a massive multi-million-dollar renovation of the golf course at the Inn at St. Johns after the Archdiocese of Detroit finalized the sale of the former seminary property located at Five Mile and Sheldon
Archdiocese mum on sale of Inn at St. Johns

Aug. 20, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED While terms of the sale were not disclosed, the long- rumored sale of The Inn at St. John’s property in Plymouth has been confirmed. After months of speculation, the Archdiocese of Detroit announced that hotel, golf course, banquet center
Concours wraps-up 42nd annual show – despite flooded golf course

Jul. 25, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Heavy rainfall left standing water on the golf course at Plymouth’s Inn at St John’s this Sunday and forced Concours d’Elegance of America organizers to move the show field to the parking lot. Dry conditions on Sunday followed Saturday’s torrential rain
Concours d’Elegance to leave Plymouth St. John’s

Jul 18, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED Don Howard Staff Writer When the anticipated crowd of nearly 15,000 arrives at St. John’s Golf Course in Plymouth on Sunday, July 25, to view millions of dollars worth of classic automobiles from around the world, they may
Concours d’Elegance is back – save the date!

Jan. 9, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News There is one special day each year when the manicured lawn at the Inn at St. John’s is transformed from a venue where golf is the main entertainment to one where automotive style and beauty of line are the main attraction.
Showcase and Taste of Plymouth set

Apr. 6, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the annual Showcase and Taste of Plymouth from 5-7:30 p.m. April,15 at The Inn at St. Johns. Visitors can sample food from 20 local restaurants, visit 75 business exhibitors, win prizes from the exhibitors
$100 million St. John’s project halted

Concept drawing of proposed townhomes slated to be built on the golf course grounds. Jan. 19, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Grandiose plans for a $100 million development at the upscale Plymouth Township Golf Course at St. John’s have come