Gary Heitman
New development will finally eliminate township eyesore

Nov. 23, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News A developer has submitted tentative plans for a 120-unit housing development at the site of the former Courthouse Grill on Plymouth Road. Tentative plans for the four-story development were discussed during the recent Plymouth Township economic development meeting. The plan which
Plymouth Township begins ‘soft’ recycling program

Apr. 10, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Plymouth Township officials recently joined other neighboring communities in approving a new no-charge to residents ‘soft recyclables’ curbside collection program, offering residents a way to keep usable materials from landfills and easily dispose of unwanted clothing and
Officials question fire truck purchase

Feb. 21, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Just three months after Plymouth Township voters approved a public safety millage to fund the replacement of aging fire trucks and antiquated fire safety equipment, maintain facilities, and increase fire department staffing to adequate levels, board members
City offers settlement in pension dispute

Plymouth Mayor Oliver Wolcott Apr. 7, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Despite authorization earlier this month allowing Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise to cancel a tolling agreement and proceed with litigation, a settlement may be near in the disputed fire pension obligation
New board says $1.1 million missing

Newly elected Plymouth Township Treasurer Mark Clinton recites oath of office before Lt. Governor Brian Calley Dec. 9, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer During an informal discussion at the meeting of members of Plymouth Concerned Citizens last week, newly-elected Township
Plymouth Township election roundup

State Rep. and Plymouth Township Supervisor elect Kurt Heise’s farewell address. Nov. 9, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO Resident’s voters that swept clean the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees after a bruising August primary once again showed up in-force on Tuesday to reaffirm