School lost to fire

Mar. 7, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Firefighters from Northville Township and Livonia Fire Departments use an aerial ladder truck to battle a blaze that destroyed the Northville Montessori Center School on Tuesday morning. The private school, which sits on 5 acres on Haggerty Road near Five Mile has been a landmark since 1982, serving 90 students. The cause of the fire is under investigation according to Northville Township Public Safety Director John Werth. Township Fire Chief Richard Marinucci said the fire started in the early morning hours and was not immediately detected. Marinucci said the building is a total loss. There were no reported injuries.
Plymouth Voice
Tags:John WerthNews Northville Township MichiganNorthville Montessori CenterPlymouth VoiceRichard MarinucciSchool lost to fire