Road improvement question set for November ballot

Plymouth Michigan News
Voters in the City of Plymouth will be asked to approve a roads improvement bond on the Nov. 5 ballot.
Members of the Plymouth City Commission voted unanimously to place the question on the ballot. If approved by voters, the city would be allowed to borrow approximately $12.28 million to be repaid over a 10-year period. If approved, the cost to the owner of a home with a tax value of $188,085 would be an additional $236.26 next year and $239.17 in 2021, officials said.
The bond question was approved by the commissioners, they said, as an effort to ensure that the funding would be used toward the approximately $50 million in road improvements now needed in the city. The commissioners approved a bond rather than a millage because language in the city charter would not have ensured the funds went to road repairs, but could have been used for other city expenses.
The bond funding, if approved, would be used for “paving, repaving, resurfacing, reconstructing and improving streets, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, drainage, streetscape, traffic signalization, crosswalk and related improvements,” according to proposed language.
If approved, projects for reconstruction or repair will be prioritized by the city engineering department, officials said.
Plymouth Voice.