Plymouth VFW Post 6695 needs your help – now

Aug. 8, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
“Friends of the post have established a GO-FUND-ME account”
Don Howard
Staff Writer
They have survived gunfire, bombings and hand-to-hand combat in Vietnam, and as long ago as Korea and even World War II. They have survived helicopter flights into enemy territory under extreme conditions and been willing to sacrifice their lives for their country.
But they could soon suffer the effects of a silent, unseen killer which threatens one of the facilities that has provided them with comfort, fellowship and solace since they have returned home from duty for more than four decades.
The COVID 19 pandemic may soon claim another victim as VFW Post 6695 in Plymouth is facing the financial peril that the pandemic has caused throughout the area. The Post has served community veterans since the 1930’s and has been an honored presence throughout the area. The appearance of the veterans at each national military holiday is always welcomed with loud applause as they proudly march and conduct heartfelt memorials for those who have served.
The VFW is the largest and oldest major war veteran’s organization in the country, founded in 1889 and chartered by Congress in 1936. There are almost 1.7 million VFW and Auxiliary members located in more than 6,500 Posts worldwide. Their mission is veterans’ services, legislative advocacy and military and community service programs. The nonprofit civic and social organization is headquartered in Kansas City, MO.
The Plymouth VFW Post has not escaped the ravages of COVID 19 and like so many businesses and start- ups faces serious financial peril due to the pandemic.
Ron King, commander of Post 6695, is a retired United States Air Force major and Vietnam veteran who served 22 years in active duty. King is reaching out to the public in an effort to keep the post that has helped so many for so long, open in light of the current economic stress.
King says the burden of paying the rent and keeping the lights-on at the post with no banquet hall rental fees and no fundraisers possible for nearly six months has left the post in a dire financial condition. Monthly rent amounts to thousands of dollars, not to mention insurance, utilities and other fixed expenses, King said.
Desperate for help, friends of the post have established a GO-FUND-ME account to try and help provide some financial help to keep the doors open for the veterans who look to the post for friendship and help.
To access the fund or donate, go to:
Plymouth Voice.