Plymouth posts hiring notice for firefighters

Jan. 30, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Township officials have a posted public notice to hire firefighters after receiving a 2-year federal grant of more than $1.3 million to Plymouth Township to fund basic fire and medical safety for residents. Starting annual base wage is $38,230.29.
Officials say they will increase current staffing from 12 to 18 and will call back laid-off firefighter-paramedics who want to return to the downsized fire department.
Respondents have 5 working days to pick-up applications in-person and reply to Township Clerk Nancy Conzelman on February 6, according to the job posting.
The township applied for and accepted the government grant after approving a $1.9 million expenditure for a vast new recreation project, including a year-round pavilion, an amphitheater and other amenities.
Informed sources say the acceptance of the government grant validated the claims of Fire Chief Mark Wendel regarding the dilapidated, outdated and hazardous equipment along with the inadequate staffing in the Plymouth Township Fire Department.
Public Notice:
The Charter Township of Plymouth is currently accepting applications to establish an eligibility list for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic pursuant to the Township’s receipt of a 2-year SAFER grant. Work to be performed includes saving lives & reducing property loss through rescue techniques & fire suppression operations. Applicants must be a certified Michigan Firefighter Level I & II, Hazmat Operations Level Certified and must be licensed as a Paramedic by the State of Michigan. Evidence of licenses & certifications must be presented at the time application is submitted.
Additional Requirements: Must be 18 years of age or older, U.S. Citizen, possess a high school diploma or equivalent, have and maintain a valid State of Michigan driver’s license and must have and maintain a good driving record. Valid Certification from a Fire Training Academy recognized by the Civil Service Commission and current and valid completion of the IAFC Candidate Physical Agility Test (CPAT) within the preceding 365 days is required. Additional requirements are listed in the position specifications. Applicants must successfully pass an oral Board interview.
A post job offer requires that an applicant must also pass a drug screening, background investigation, psychological exam and a pre-hire physical examination.
Starting annual base wage is $38,230.29.
Applications are available in the Plymouth Township Clerk’s Office, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, MI, during regular business hours, 8:00am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, or online at Applications will not be mailed. All applications must be turned in to the Clerk’s Office No later than 4:30 p.m. February 6, 2014.
The Charter Township of Plymouth does not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, handicap, height or weight, in the employment or provision of services.
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