Plymouth Commission to discuss paid parking-Monday

Jul. 14, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth City Commission will discuss the potential for downtown paid parking at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole scheduled this Monday, July 15, 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 201 S. Main St. Commissioners and administrators are set to review data compiled by City Manager Paul Sincock. The DDA Board received a report from parking consultant Rich and Associates, which found there was a potential for significant revenue as a result of paid parking in the downtown area. The City Commission is set to also review that data on Monday and it is anticipated they will then establish a plan of action. According to the DDA, there will be no final decision made this Monday.
There has been no significant increase in public parking in the city for several years, since the acquisition of the former Saxton Garden Center property. The City recently received a letter of intent related to the development and purchase of that property from F5 Holdings, LLC. The property is located at the corner of Ann Arbor Trail and Union. Those familiar with the F- 5 Holdings proposal say it’s based on a concept set as a public-private partnership between the city-which would have the developer establish residential units on Maple Street and provide for public parking – a possible partial solution to the city’s parking space problem.
According to an Administrative Update, dated July 9, 2019, the City Commission has been cautious and yet to use eminent domain to forcibly acquire private property for the public parking system. The update states that the city anticipates F-5 Holdings will begin to seek Planning Commission and Historical Commission approval “in the coming months.”
Residents, business owners and concerned citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting.
Plymouth Voice.