Being right is often a double-edged sword
August 16, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Editorial By: Susan Willett, Publisher, Associated Newspapers of Michigan. While I predicted the win of the incumbents in Plymouth Township (Yeah, I’m still ranting about those fools), I really wanted to be wrong. Geez, I love to be right. I love it. Nothing does
Leaders should be held to higher standards
PLAY VIDEO August 9, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Lack of self-control is a weakness that can metastasize in some very ugly ways when coupled with the power of public office. It seems that all Ron Edwards, the treasurer in Plymouth Township, needs to complete his work uniform is a
Lack of background checks should be corrected
SEE AUGUST 1st POST – “FAKE COP OR GOOD SAMARITAN-COURTS WILL DECIDE” August 9, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Recently, an on-call Northville firefighter was cited by police for the unauthorized use of emergency lights on his personal vehicle and impersonation of a police officer The man actually performed a
City testing new street lights
August 14, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth is testing two different types of Street Lights and would like to obtain feedback from residents. The City is reviewing proposals to change DTE-type street lights over to LED-type lights in an effort to examine possible cost savings. DTE Energy has retro-fitted two street
Clerk requests recount in questionable election
August 11, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Joe Bridgman, Plymouth Township Clerk, has served his opponent Nancy Conzelman with legal notice of a recount on the basis of “fraud or a mistake” as recently reported by news sources. It was reported Conzelman said she was “surprised” that Bridgman has called the
Recount requested in Plymouth election
August 16, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Results of the Plymouth Township primary election last week are being challenged by incumbent clerk Joe Bridgman, who apparently lost his seat to first-time challenger Nancy Conzelman by only eight votes. A petition seeking a recount of the election results was served last Friday
Candidates actions criticized
To the editor: Both Bob Dorshevitcz and Mike Kelly stated in the 7-16-12 Candidates Forum that they were “opposed to closing the Wilcox Fire Station.” Yet, while they were Trustees this past March, they both voted to close that same station……LIES, LIES…LIES. Throughout the past year and a half,
Big Question – Are we better off?
August 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION Are Tuesday’s primary election results a vote of confidence for a job well done or proof that money and misinformation can buy results? We think the latter. Are we as safe as we were four years ago? Is our Township as financially sound
Detroit officials may seek property
August 2, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Township resident and declared candidate for supervisor Richard Sharland attended his second meeting in two weeks with City of Detroit officials. The meetings came as a result of Sharland’s investigation of a property sale for back taxes by Wayne County. Plymouth Township purchased the
It’s time we act to make Plymouth Township a better place to live
August 2, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION From tax abatements for businesses to strong-arming individuals for donations, to obligating news sources: suggestions, threats and ugly conflicts of interest have been the order of business for Plymouth Township officials for way too long. When trustee candidate Jennifer Mann picked up on