November Events

Nov. 4, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Veteran’s memorial ceremony planned
The annual Veteran’s Day ceremony in Plymouth will be hosted by American Legion Post 391, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6695 and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 528.
The memorial ceremony is planned for 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at Veterans Memorial Park in front of Central Middle School in downtown Plymouth.
All veterans are invited to the ceremony. Students from Central Middle School will lead the pledge of allegiance and sing the The Star Spangled Banner.
Following the presentation, there will be a rifle salute and the playing of Taps.
Community Health Fair is planned
Plymouth Community United Way is partnering with St. Mary Mercy Hospital, the Plymouth Council on Aging, and Plymouth Lions Club to present a Community Health Fair from 3-5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 Farmer. The event is free and open to the public. There will be a variety of health screenings and chair exercise along with nutrition demonstrations and presentations.
For more information, call Randi Williams at (734) 453-6879, ext. 7 or email
Plymouth Boulevard Tree Lighting
The Christmas lights in the Main St. Boulevard, will be lit for the holidays and the Salvation Army Band will kick off its Red Kettle Drive on Nov. 15. in downtown Plymouth.
Santa will arrive by Fire Truck and welcomed by the Plymouth City Commission and the Chamber of Commerce in Kellogg Park, starting at 6:30 p.m. The highlights will be Santa lighting the trees and opening his Santa House for the season.
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