Northville officials ‘Ring the Bell’ for Salvation Army

Dec. 11, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The mayor, members of Northville City Council and city employees will be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army on Wednesday, Dec. 12, outside the Northville Post Office, located at 200 Wing in downtown Northville. The funds raised will make a year-round impact through social services assistance, homeless shelters, disaster relief, children’s programs, rehabilitation services, anti-human trafficking and more.
The Salvation Army pledges to Do The Most Good with contributions of money, time and resources, evidenced in that 82 cents of every dollar donated are directly allocated to services that assist people in need. “Doing The Most Good” is The Salvation Army’s national brand strategy and distinct identifiable message. Moreover, it is a promise the organization makes to its contributors, clients, associates, officers and employees. The idea originated from Evangeline Booth, daughter of William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army.
“There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need.”
The Salvation Army is located at 9451 S. Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170.
Plymouth Voice.