Northville Farmers Market opens

Plymouth Michigan News
Northville Farmers’ Market is held each Thursday May through October. Opening day is Thursday, May 5.
There’s something for everyone at the Northville Farmers Market. Visitors will enjoy over 100 stalls of Michigan-made and Michigan-grown products. For all the green thumbs out there plants and flowers are available while other finds such as are fine juried crafters, garden art, soaps, jewelry, furniture, woodworking, and home accessories are also featured.
Chefs at the Market series
Held the 3rd Thursday of each month featuring local chefs, fresh produce, free recipes, cooking demonstrations, and samples.
Master gardeners are available to answer gardening questions each Thursday until noon.
For more information on the Farmers’ Market, please contact the Northville Chamber of Commerce at (248) 349-7640 or visit them at
Plymouth Voice.