Northville candidates submit petitions for August vote

Plymouth Michigan News

In Northville Township, the slate of candidates seeking election Aug. 4 includes 12 Republicans and a lone Democrat.
Filing for reelection to the position of township supervisor were incumbent Supervisor Robert R. Nix, III and Mark J. Abbo, who served as supervisor from 2000 until 2012.
Nix said he’s looking forward to another term and praised his board members and their commitment.
“Everyone here is dedicated and committed to serving the township and doing what’s best for our residents.” Nix said.
Abbo announced his retirement as township supervisor in 2012. During his term, the state closed Northville Psychiatric Hospital and the resulting proposed development at the site prompted a period of turmoil and animus between the township and the City of Livonia. The situation led to open arguments, lawsuits and an effort at annexation of Northville by Livonia.
Abbo was appointed fiscal director for the Wayne County Commission in 2016.
Marjorie F. Banner, the incumbent township clerk is seeking reelection to the full- time position and will be challenged by Roger Lundberg, a former engineering director at Fiat-Chrysler Corp.
Vying for the office of treasurer in the township will be incumbent Fred Shakdo who will be opposed by Jason Rhines.
Candidates for the four terms of office as members of the Northville Township Board of Trustees will be incumbents Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann and Chris Roosen.
The incumbents will be challenged by Cyndy Jankowski, Steve McCurik, Kevin Johnston and Mohammad Aslam, the only Democrat on the ballot.
The winners of the Aug. 4 election for trustee will deter- mine which names appear on the Republican ticket Nov. 3 to challenge Aslam, the only Democratic candidate.
All terms of office in the town- ship are four years and the successful candidates in November will serve from November of 2020 until November of 2024.
Plymouth Voice.