Here’s the scoop on Tuesdays’ Primary

Mar. 7, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Here’s the scoop on Tuesdays’ Presidential Primary Election.
There is no political party registration requirement and any Michigan registered voter can participate in the presidential primary. At the polling place and on the absentee ballot application, voters will be asked to select a presidential primary ballot for either the Democratic or Republican parties that also may contain local election items.
Voters who do not wish to participate in the presidential primary may request a ballot that contains only the local items in their community.
At stake Tuesday’s primary election are 125 state delegates for the Democrats, which has essentially become a two-person race in the past week between Sanders, the Vermont senator, and former Vice President Joe Biden.
The Michigan Democratic Party has 147 delegates to send to the national convention in July: 125 are awarded based on primary results, while 22 are super-delegates, based on their positions within the party, such as elected officials and party leaders.
Republican candidates can win delegates if they receive at least 20 percent of the vote. If a candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, they receive all of the state’s 73 Republican delegates — making it highly likely Trump will receive all of Michigan’s delegates.
Fourteen Democrats who are no longer running for president will appear on Democratic primary ballots, including high-profile candidates — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former South Bend, Indiana, mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Detroit Institute of Arts Millage Renewal
The renewal of the Wayne County Art Institute Authority Millage will appear on the ballots throughout the community. In 2012, voters approved a 10-year millage to provide Wayne County residents with services from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA).
The funding, according to officials, provides free K-12 school field trips, free senior group programming and unlimited free general admission to the museum. The DIA is requesting a renewal of 0.2 mill (20 cents per $1,000 of taxable property value). If approved, it is estimated that the millage would generate approximately $8,500,000 in 2022. The renewal is for 10 years, from 2022 through 2031. Voters will be asked to vote yes or no on the question.
Plymouth Canton school district seeking millage request
Voters in the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools District will be asked to approve a bond proposal. According to school officials, if approved by voters, the bond funding will be used for facility and site improvements at several buildings, enhance safety and security features throughout the district, to purchase furniture and playground upgrades, purchase school buses and address infrastructure and technology needs at most school buildings. Officials stressed that approval of the $275 million bond issue will mean no increase in the current tax rate paid by property owners. Currently, the school debt levy in the district is 4.02 mills.
Northville school district seeking millage OK
Voters in the Northville Public Schools District will be asked to replace the current sinking fund millage on property tax by extending the 0.9519 rate through 2025.
According to district officials, approval of the proposal would not increase the current tax paid in district. If voters approve the question, the tax will generate about $3 million annually which is earmarked for building and site repairs, instructional technology and safety and security upgrades throughout the district. Officials say the millage represents no increase in the current tax rate.
Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone in line at 8 p.m. will be allowed to vote.
With the new no-reason absentee voting, more than 572,000 state voters have already cast ballots as of Friday.
Plymouth Voice.