Deadline nears for City Commission candidates

Apr. 4, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Plymouth officials have announced all election candidates, including incumbents, must file a non-partisan nominating petition or pay a $100 non-refundable fee, along with filing an Affidavit of Identity with the City Clerk before April 23.
There will be four vacancies on the City Commission this year, one two-year term and three four-year terms.
Regulations state petitions must have 40 to100 signatures by registered voters in the City of Plymouth. If eight or more candidates file, there will be a primary election on August 6. The General Election will be on November 5. The person who receives the least number of votes among the four elected will hold the two-year term.
In the City of Plymouth, all candidates run for City Commission, then members of the Commission select the mayor and Mayor pro-tem.
Candidate packets are available at the office of the City Clerk, 201 S. Main St., from 8-4:30 p.m., weekdays.
For more information, call 734-453-1234 extension 234 or email
Plymouth Voice.