Competency exam ordered for son in death – hearing next week

Aug. 21, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The son of a Canton Township police officer ordered to undergo a court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine his competency to stand trial in his father’s death is scheduled to appear for a review hearing before Livingston County District Court Judge Daniel Bain on Tuesday, Aug. 24.
Bain ordered the competency examination during a court hearing July 13 to determine whether Hayden Jagst, 18, can be found criminally responsible for the death of his father, Edward Jagst, who was found dead in his bed at the family home June 21.
Brighton police officers responded to the Jagst home in the 300 block of Woodlake Drive in Brighton in response to a 911 call June 21 from the wife of the deceased, a veteran police officer.
Brighton Police Det. Michael Arntz testified in a court hearing that during the 911 call, the caller said her daughter told her that Hayden Jagst had shot his father in the head. Responding officers found Edward Jagst dead in his bed from a gunshot wound, according to Arntz. Hayden Jagst had left the home when officers arrived but police reached him by phone and convinced him to return to Brighton where he was taken into custody without incident, according to Arntz.
Hayden Jagst is charged with open murder, two counts of felony firearm, carrying with unlawful intent and carrying a concealed weapon. If found competent to stand trial and convicted, he faces up to life in prison.
Plymouth Voice.