Community Bulletin Board

Feb. 8, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Play Hockey For Free Day – Boys and Girls Ages 4 to 9
Presented by: The Detroit Red Wings Foundation, Michigan Amateur Youth Hockey Association, and The City of Plymouth Saturday, Feburary 16, 4:00pm – 5:00pm (Participants please arrive at 3:30pm) Plymouth Cultural Center Ice Arena – 525 Farmer, Plymouth, MI 48170
• Boys and Girls ages 4 to 9 come out, have some fun, and receive free hockey instruction from Ron Hayes and Plymouth Canton Hockey Association coaches, no prior experience is required.
• You must preregister 7 days prior to the clinic, space is limited to the first 50 participants registered.
• Equipment is available for use, but you will be given a jersey to keep, provided by The Red Wings Foundation. The Cultural Center has a very limited amount of skates, please try to bring your own.
Snowman Photo Contest
Gather up all the snow and creativity you can and start building! Build a snowman, dress him up , and take a picture. Drop-off the picture at the City of Plymouth Recreation Office or send it in by mail, email, or fax, whatever it takes. Just get the picture to the office along with the child’s name, address, phone number and email address of the person submitting the picture before Friday, March 1st at 4:30pm, to be entered into the contest. Judging will take place the week of March 4th and the winner will be announced March 11th.
Plymouth Community Council on Aging 201 S. Main St., 734-453-1234 ext. 236
If you would like information regarding the Senior Transportation Program or have any other questions please call our office or email the Plymouth Community Senior Transportation Program.
Emergency food available February 21
The next distribution of emergency food by Plymouth Community United Way is scheduled Thursday, Feb. 21. The Emergency Food Assistance Program provides low-income Plymouth and Northville residents with canned and non-perishable items. All recipients must be pre-registered. This is a supplemental food program that may be used in addition to other assistance programs. Bridge Card holders automatically qualify, but need to pre-register. Recipients not currently on governmental assistance (food stamps, ADC and general) must provide documentation including proof of income and residency before receiving food on distribution days. Distributions continue the third Thursday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at St. Kenneth Catholic Church in Plymouth. For information and to register, call Samantha Bray at (734) 453-6879, ext. 6.
Plymouth Community Senior Transportation
The Plymouth Community Senior Transportation Office is conveniently located in the City of Plymouth Cultural Center at 525 Farmer Street, Plymouth MI 48170. For more information, questions or to make a reservation please call: (734) 459-8888.
Fire Explorer Program
Fire Explorer Program is being offered to area youth ages 14 to 20. The City of Plymouth is in a joint operating agreement with the City of Northville Fire Department for Fire Services and the Explorer Program is now available to area residents.
The goal of the Explorer program is to help young people excel towards a Fire Career. As an Explorer you will participate in hands on training and learn the basics of fire fighting and medical rescue. You will also participate in tours to other fire facilities and participation in outings geared towards the fire service. Explorers will also have an opportunity to take part in “Fire Field Days” with other Explorer groups from Michigan and Ohio. The group meets twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays and the Explorer program is a great way to gain a head start on career goals in the fire services. A Open House will be held on Thursday, February 14th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Northville City Fire Department at Northville City Hall at 215 W. Main in Northville. For more information on the Fire Explorer Program call 248-449-9920 for more information.