City sets schedule for local road repairs

Feb. 28, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Following approval by voters of $3 million in bonds for street improvements during the next 10 years, Northville officials have identified the streets to be repaired and reconstructed in 2019. The planned work includes repairs to two major thorough-fares: Baseline Road and Taft; and about a dozen neighborhood streets. The estimated cost for construction this year is about $2 million, funded largely by the street bonds and the city water and sewer operations fund.
City officials worked with engineers from Fleis and VandenBrink to identify which roads should take priority this year. The selection was based on the current condition of the streets, using visual inspection and software mapping; the overall condition of the streetway and other related aspects, including traffic flow, alternative routes and coordinating scheduled repairs by utilities.
“There are a lot of factors that are impacted by road reconstruction,” said Department of Public Works Director Loyd Cureton. “It was really important to coordinate repairs with utilities so a new road doesn’t get torn up within a few years due to scheduled repairs on water mains and sewer lines.”
Engineering design should be completed this spring, and will be reviewed by members of the city council prior to the start of construction, officials said.
The selected streets may change should new factors impact the plan. Upon completion of this segment of street repair/reconstruction, the average city-wide street safety rating is expected to increase from 4.57 to 5.22, according to officials’ projections.
Neighborhood street repairs including a mill and overlay, unless otherwise noted include: North Rogers from Main to Potomac-full reconstruction and water main repairs; Lexington Court; Glenhill Drive; MacDonald; Potomac, from North Rogers to Lexington will receive a full reconstruction; Morgan Boulevard will be fully reconstructed; Allen Drive will be fully reconstructed at Novi Street and Novi Road;Morgan Circle / Morgan Court and Stanstead where a full reconstruction is planned.
Plymouth Voice.