Deli fire closes Plymouth Kroger

Mar. 3, 2019 Plymouth Voice.
Plymouth Michigan News
Don Howard
Staff Writer
A Sunday morning fire caused the evacuation of the Plymouth Township Kroger store located at 44525 Ann Arbor Rd. According to fire officials, the fire started in an appliance in the store’s delicatessen. Fire crews were able to quickly get the fire under control but had to evacuate the store. All employees and customers were safely evacuated and there were no injuries.
Plymouth Township firefighters were on the scene within minutes of the 10:53 a.m. call, knocking down the fire. Mutual aid was received from Canton and Northville-Plymouth Fire Departments.
The store, forced to close for a few hours after the fire, is open. Officials said the Deli section would remain closed until after cleanup operations are complete and the store obtains approval from the Wayne County Health Department. Damage was estimated at less than $25,000.
Plymouth Voice.
Photo: © Don Howard / Associated Newspapers