Canton police warn area residents

Apr. 4, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
IRS scam continues
Calls from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be upsetting…and they can also be fakes.
Canton police have recently taken several reports from citizens about phone calls from phony IRS agent which demanded personal information and even payments. Police have warned residents that these callers, representing themselves as an IRS agent, are attempting to commit a crime. Reports indicate the fake agents have asked residents to make payments on taxes due using pre-paid debit cards or wire transfers.
Those receiving the calls told police that the caller ID on their phone display read “IRS, Washington D.C.”
If the resident declines to participate in the conversation, the “agent” will begin to threaten him/her with police involvement, police said.
“Criminals are altering caller ID displays to read out as IRS, or Canton Police Department, bringing a believability factor to what citizens might otherwise recognize immediately as a scam phone call,” said Canton Police Special Services Lt. Craig Wilsher.
“The most important thing to remember if you receive a phone call from someone representing themselves as the IRS or local law enforcement is that neither would ask for your personal information over the phone. Nor would they request a tax payment (or any payment) in the form of a wire transfer or pre-paid debit card,” Wilsher said.
Updated- NEWS RELEASE from Canton PD:
April 3, 2014, Canton, MI – Yesterday another scam phone call was reported to the Canton Police Department, involving a 66-year old female who was contacted by a person representing himself or herself as an IRS employee. The female was informed she had been audited and owed $4,900, and if she didn’t pay immediately officers would respond to her house with a warrant for her arrest. When the female agreed to pay, she was informed the payment could not be credit card, check or money order. The victim was instructed to drive to the store and purchase Pay Pal Money Pak cards. She was then instructed to provide the codes on the back of the cards to the caller (who had remained on the line during the victim’s travel time to the store). After providing the initial demand of $4,900, the caller instructed they needed an additional $5,000. At this point the female suspected she was being scammed and ended the phone call.
Canton police officials once again warn the public to be aware of this very prevalent scam going on. If you receive one of these phone calls law enforcement officials recommend contacting your local police department or the IRS directly. The IRS can be reached at 800/829-1040; the Canton Police Department at 734/394-5400.
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