Canton Police now carry Narcan

Aug. 16, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Police cars in Canton Township can now provide immediate help to those suffering an opioid overdose.
The patrol cars are now stocked with Narcan (naloxone), an opioid antagonist used for the complete or partial reversal of opioid overdose, including respiratory depression and blood pressure support in septic shock.
The potentially life-saving medication was provided to the department courtesy of a donation coordinated by Patrick Stropes of Growth Works, Inc., and the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority. By providing and training police officers on the use, naloxone can be administered within minutes of initial police contact.
The addition of Narcan to the Canton police fleet enhances the existing service provided by the Canton Fire Department, which stocks naloxone on all Advanced Life Support vehicles consisting of six ambulances and all front- run fire engines. Firefighter/Paramedics will continue to administer naloxone as part of their emergency medical service provided to patients in need.
Growth Works, Inc., is a social service provider in southeast Michigan, supporting individuals and families as they navigate substance abuse. For additional information on naloxone or the many other services provided by Growth Works, Inc., call (734) 495-1722 or visit
Plymouth Voice.