Apathy is great challenge



April 19, 2012  PLYMOUTH EAGLE.

Recently there was a wonderful editorial in one of the national papers titled “What Would Atticus Do?” by William McGurn. It brought back memories of the great Gregory Peck film “To Kill a Mocking Bird”, and the prize winning novel by Harper Lee.

The recent Trayvon Martin spectacle in Florida draws a great parallel to Lee’s story and the assumptions about race.

In his editorial, McGurn says, “One of the clichés about great literature is that it challenges what we take for granted. Heroic literature especially underscores the loneliness of those who take a courageous stand.”

The irony here is the Plymouth Eagle editorial of this past April 5, “The Public is shrugging off apathy and being heard” is in the same class as McGurn’s article, and gets right the crux of the today’s current struggle for justice and liberty.

It said, “These days, many of those leaders understand the importance of listening to the citizens and voters. They now realize, usually on the state and national front, that the flood of public opinion can determine the next election. Once the sleeping, apathetic American public is waked, leaders better pay attention or say good- bye.”

With the upcoming election this fall, we are on the forefront of great challenge in our Plymouth Township community as our citizens are waking and becoming aware of the inter workings and direct effect of bad decisions on our safety and lifestyle. For too long we’ve taken for granted that our leaders would listen, serve our best interests and protect us.

Now our neighbors and friends are taking a courageous stand for justice and will ask for encouragement and support this fall as they campaign to challenge the injustice dished out by our small town’s contemptuously intolerant politicians.

We are not alone.

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