Alarming false virus information spreading

Mar. 22, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
As alarming false information regarding the Coronavirus spreads protect yourself from false claims and reports.
A review by The Wall Street Journal found dozens of pages and groups that have sprung up on Facebook to offer virus-related news and places to talk, some rife with comments or posts stoking fear about the virus or circulating unproven information.
There appears to be misleading and inaccurate information at every turn.
For example, last week an urgent message circulated through social media falsely suggesting people stock-up before a pending national quarantine. The message urged readers to share with your networks. Sunday night the National Security Council shot down the speculation saying the text message rumors were fake. “There is no national lockdown.”
The People spreading these false reports have good intentions and want to help each other, yet they are confused with the volume of information and want answers.
During this critical period it’s important to focus on factual information from official channels.
The WSJ advises for accurate information about the COVID-19 updates and guidance, rely on the sources reporters and news agencies utilize.
The primary sources that reporters rely on include the World Health Organization and U.S.-based CDC.
According to WSJ, both agencies provide virus outbreak updates and guidance on how to stay healthy from public officials. The CDC mobile app serves this information right to your phone.
Turn on the app’s filter for “Coronavirus Disease 2019.” The WHO launched a WhatsApp messaging service that provides situation reports in real time, as well as information on coronavirus myths. (If you are on your phone, this link takes you right to the app to sign up.)
Professionals agree state and local authorities are also excellent resources. The CDC website includes links to every accredited state and health department across the U.S.
Plymouth Voice.