AARP tax help offered

Jan. 9, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth District Library will again host AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, this winter.
Appointments take place on Wednesdays in February, March and the first two weeks of April. Appointment scheduling will begin on Jan. 7.
This year, the library will host three appointment-scheduling open houses.
Those seeking free tax preparation appointments should plan to attend one of these open house sessions: 9:30 a.m. until noon both Monday, Jan. 7 and Tuesday, Jan. 8 or 4-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9. Attendees will select a day and time, receive a confirmation on the spot and enjoy coffee and donuts.
Those unable to attend one of these sessions, can still call the library tax appointment line (734) 453-0750, ext. 229 to schedule an appointment. Leave a message and beginning Jan. 10, a library volunteer will return calls to schedule appointments.
Plymouth Voice.