Northville mourns family of 5 killed in crash

Jan. 9, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Residents of the Northville were in shock and deeply saddened after hearing of sudden loss of the respected Abbas family earlier this week.
The Northville family of Issam Abbas, 42; his wife, Dr. Rima Abbas, 38, and their three children, Ali, 13; Isabella, 12, and Giselle, 7 were killed Monday, Jan. 7 on I-75 by a suspected drunken driver when returning from a Florida vacation. The crash occurred in Lexington, Kentucky.
No one survived.
The Abbas family was heavily involved in the community.
The family lived in downtown Northville and the children all attended Northville schools. Rima Abbas was a well-known doctor in Garden City with the Beaumont Health System. Issam Abbas, an attorney and worked as a realtor.
Thousands attended the services held in Dearborn. The family was laid to rest on Tuesday.
Northville Public Schools issued the follow statement on Monday:
Dear Northville Families, Staff and Community members,
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the death of a Northville family in a tragic car accident early this morning. The Abbas family was travelling home from a vacation in Florida when they were hit head on by a truck travelling the wrong way on the freeway near Lexington, Kentucky. Both parents, and their three children, Ali (8th grade), Isabella (7th grade), and Giselle (2nd grade) died in the crash. The incident remains under investigation. Our hearts go out to this grieving family and all those affected by this tremendous loss.
Please know that support systems will be in place tomorrow, particularly at Hillside and Amerman schools, as students return to school. Teachers and support staff members across the District have been informed of this loss, and will be prepared to support our students and families, and one another. Our school social workers and counselors are available to provide additional support for students and/or staff members as needed.
You can expect that your child may be affected in some way by this tragedy, even if he or she did not know the family well. It is important to understand that children’s ability to process death varies based on their individual experiences and developmental stages. Giving your child/young adult the opportunity to express his or her thoughts and feelings is crucial in helping your child to work through the grief process. In addition to open, honest communication that normalizes your child’s feelings, providing consistency and routine can help your child cope with death.
The attached document, Supporting Your Child After the Death of a Family Member or Friend, provided by the Coalition to Support Grieving Students, may be of assistance to you in supporting your child. Additional resources are available through the Coalition, as well as through the Dougy Center/The National Center for Grieving Children and Families.
If you believe your child may be in need of additional help from someone at school, please contact your child’s teacher and/or counselor. We are saddened by this loss and will make every effort to support your child as needed. We will be working together with students, teachers, and parents to discuss ways to recognize and honor the lives of Ali, Isabella and Giselle and their parents over the coming days.
Plymouth Voice.