Schoolcraft College acknowledges two unassuming heroes

Sep. 10, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Estate planning led to generous gifts and lasting tributes from Larry F. Groth, Sr. and Kay Arnold to the Schoolcraft College Foundation.
By: Christopher Kelly
This year, two very important funds were created that celebrate the lives and accomplishments of two wonderful civic leaders from Plymouth Township.
If you had asked either one of them how they became heroes, they would have laughed and asked, “Me, a hero? I’m just doing my job!” Yet, because of their forethought and planning, both are very much the hero to the Schoolcraft College students who will benefit from the simple planning steps they took to make an impact on generations to come.

Kay Arnold was a pillar of the community. She was a Plymouth Township trustee, a member of the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce Board, and a past member of the Schoolcraft College Foundation Board of Governors. With that, and more, she still found time to be an amazing wife and mother. Kay passed away on October 8, 2015, but following a realistic planning strategy that she and her husband, Timothy Doyle, put in place, this amazing couple have created a $100,000 endowed fund that honors Kay’s life and service along with a positive impact on the mission of Schoolcraft College.
Larry F. Groth, Sr., had three major loves in his life: his wonderful wife, Sandy, their family, and his 40-year career as a firefighter. Larry served as the Fire Chief of Plymouth Township for more than 20-years and understood that to have a successful, lengthy career in firefighting, the individual must be skilled, but also educated on the techniques that can save lives.
Larry passed away on June 27 of this year and, because of his dedication to his vocation and the next generations of firefighters, his wife and family have established the Larry F. Groth, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund. Numerous students of the Fire Academy at Schoolcraft College will benefit from the generosity created under the planning strategy that Larry and his family have used to fund this enduring tribute.

During their lifetimes, their work had impact on the citizens of Plymouth Township, but because of their planning, their impact will be felt for years to come. “Me, a hero?” Yes, Kay and Larry, you are heroes because your messages demonstrate that simple planning today can achieve a goal larger than we might imagine!
For more information on estate planning contact Christopher Kelly at the Schoolcraft College Foundation at 734-462-4518 or
Mrs. Arnold was the longest serving member of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees. Mr. Groth had a storied career as a firefighter spanning over 40-years, of which 20-years he proudly served as the Plymouth Township Fire Chief.
Mr. Kelly is Director of Major and Planning Giving at Schoolcraft College.
Plymouth Voice.